This program will allow you to discover group modeling tools and techniques to apply with teams of all sizes. Pro.Play® is the only official PLAYMOBIL pro partner in the world. Make the most out of your kit in a wide range of situations.
When you have a problem, solve it by playing!
The Pro.Play® methodology will help you think more creatively and solve complex problems, playing games. The PLAYMOBIL pro kit is a complete modeling system for professionals and companies.
In this on-site certification, you will learn how to get the most out of the PLAYMOBIL pro kit with group and complex models.
Participants will learn and practice powerful techniques that they can apply to different situations to generate ideas, solve problems or make decisions.
LEVEL 2. Le a rn design and facilitate group sessions.
LEVEL 3. Learn to work with dynamic and interactive models to understand and solve complex problems .
The w o r ld w e li v e in es increasing l y complex and changea b l e . in addition to the tools and technology and , w e need human tools to deal with estos situations. W o r king with models and if mulations w e ta k e into accounts the context, inter- r actions and changes through pl a y , thus helping us to by v elop k hey skills in our VU C A w o r ld.
In addition to the Starter Kit, participants will receive the official Pro.Play® manual and the official certificate granted by the Creativity Certification Program & Attitud Creativa, official and exclusive PLAYMOBIL pro partner worldwide.